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emc concepts explained

Smith Chart and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

This article explains how to use a Smith Chart to determine the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR).

Common-Impedance Coupling

Explore the impact of the return path impedance and the return current level on common-impedance coupling between circuits. The measurements presented were performed on a custom PCB containing audio, video, and high-current circuitry, where the return paths for each circuit were selectively shared with other circuits.

Crosstalk Between PCB Traces – Time and Frequency Domain Measurements, Part 2

In this article, we investigate the impact of a guard trace on crosstalk reduction and present measurements taken with the latest‑generation PCB, both in time and frequency domains.

Crosstalk between PCB Traces – Time and Frequency Domain Measurements, Part 1

This article is the first of a two-article series devoted to the topic of crosstalk between PCB traces. In Part 1 of the series, we vary circuit topology, i.e., the distance between traces and the distance to the ground plane.

Image Theory: Radiation From Hertzian Dipole Above Ground Plane

This article presents the derivation of the radiated far fields from a Hertzian dipole antenna above the ground plane using image theory.
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Impact of Decoupling Capacitors and Trace Length on Conducted Emissions in a CMOS Inverter Circuit

The authors evaluate the impact of capacitors and trace length on conducted emissions.

Impact of a Decoupling Capacitor and Trace Length on Signal Integrity in a CMOS Inverter Circuit

This article describes a laboratory experiment that shows the impact of the decoupling capacitors and a PCB trace length on the signal integrity in a CMOS inverter circuit.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 3: Cascaded LC and CL Filters

This is the third article of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 2: π and T Filters

This is the second of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters. This article focuses on π and T filters.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 1: LC and CL Filters

This is the first article of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters.
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