IEC 61850-7-2EC 61850-7-2:2010(E) applies to the ACSI communication for utility automation. The ACSI provides the following abstract communication service interfaces: abstract interface describing communications between a client and a remote server; and abstract interface for fast and reliable system-wide(...)
IEC 61850-7-4IEC 61850-7-4:2010(E) specifies the information model of devices and functions generally related to common use regarding applications in systems for power utility automation. It also contains the information model of devices and function-related applications in substations. In particular, it(...)
IEC 61851-23“IEC 61851-23:2014, gives the requirements for d.c. electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, herein also referred to as “DC charger”, for conductive connection to the vehicle, with an a.c. or d.c. input voltage up to 1 000 V a.c. and up to 1 500 V d.c. according to IEC 60038. It provides the(...)
IEC 61851-24IEC 61851-24:2014, together with IEC 61851-23, applies to digital communication between a d.c. EV charging station and an electric road vehicle (EV) for control of d.c. charging, with an a.c. or d.c. input voltage up to 1 000 V a.c. and up to 1 500 V d.c. for the conductive charging procedure.
IEC 61853-1IEC 61853-1:2011 describes requirements for evaluating PV module performance in terms of power (watts) rating over a range of irradiances and temperatures. The object is to define a testing and rating system, which provides the PV module power (watts) at maximum power operation for a set of(...)
IEC 61882Provides a guide for HAZOP studies of systems utilizing the specific set of guide words defined in this standard. Also gives guidance on application of the technique and on the HAZOP study procedure, including definition, preparation, examination sessions and resulting documentation and follow-up.
IEC 61888Defines the requirements for assuring that automatic setpoints for nuclear safety system instrumentation are established and maintained within specified limits in nuclear power plants and nuclear reactor facilities.
IEC 61968-3Specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to network operations. Typical uses of the message types defined in this part include data acquisition by external systems, fault isolation, fault restoration, trouble(...)
IEC 61968-4Specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to records and asset management. Typical uses of the message types include network extension planning, copying feeder or other network data between systems, network or(...)
IEC 61968-13IEC 61968-13:2008(E) specifies the format and rules for exchanging modelling information based upon the Common Information Model ("CIM") and related to distribution network data. Allows the exchange of instance data in bulk. Thus, the imported network model data should be sufficient to allow(...)
IEC 61970-1Provides a set of guidelines and general infrastructure capabilities required for the application of the EMS-API interface standards. Describes typical integration scenarios where these standards are to be applied and the types of applications to be integrated. Defines a reference model and(...)
IEC 61970-453IEC 61970-453:2008(E) defines, at an abstract level, the content and exchange mechanisms used for data transmitted between control center components. Includes the general use cases for exchange of graphic schematic display definitions, and guidelines for linking the schematic definitions with(...)
IEC 61970-501Specifies the format and rules for producing a machine readable form of the Common Information Model (CIM) as specified in the IEC 61970-301 standard. Describes a CIM vocabulary to support the data access facility and associated CIM semantics.
IEC 61976Provides a uniform method for describing and characterizing the background in a spectrum from an HPGe detector. Provides both manufacturers and end users with a way to specify the low-background performance of the detector and allows the comparison of detectors used for these kinds of measurements.
IEC 61987This IEC standard deals with industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues.
IEC 62003IEC 62003:2009 establishes requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing of instrumentation and control equipment supplied for use in systems important to safety at nuclear power plants
IEC 62006Defines the test, the measuring methods and the contractual guarantee conditions for field acceptance tests of the generating machinery in small hydroelectric power installations. It applies to installations containing impulse or reaction turbines with unit power up to about 15 MW and(...)
IEC 62022Defines an installed monitor for the control and detection of radioactivity of gamma emitters contained in recyclable or non-recyclable materials transported by vehicle, the conceptual requirements, general characteristics, mechanical characteristics, environmental conditions, minimal(...)
IEC 62040-4Specifies the process and requirements to declare the environmental aspects concerning uninterruptible power systems (UPS), with the goal of promoting reduction of any adverse environmental impact during a complete UPS life cycle.
IEC 62047-20IEC 62047-20:2014 specifies terms and definitions, ratings and characteristics, and measuring methods of gyroscopes. Gyroscopes are primarily used for consumer, general industries and aerospace applications. MEMS and semiconductor lasers are widely used for device technology of gyroscopes.