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Hot Stuff (and Warnings)

Given that this column is principally about graphical symbols and how they’re used to...

The Evolution of EMC Testing for Electrified Powertrains in Automotive Vehicles

3 evolution-of-emc-testing-smallFrom the time when automotive vehicles were essentially mechanical with spark ignition the only electrical system, through the many decades that brought the development of electrical, electronic and computer controlled automotive systems, the need for and methods of automotive testing have evolved along with the vehicles. At one time, electrical testing was sufficient. But with the dawn of the digital computer era, compatibility became a major issue. Those pesky clocked systems are inherently noise producers and are also subject to immunity issues.

Developing a Transfer Function for FM Band Transmitters

Low power, license-exempt FM transmitters are used in vehicles to transmit a weak signal onto a vacant channel in the FM Broadcast Band (88-108 MHz) for the purpose of receiving Sirius-XM broadcasts on the vehicle’s FM Radio. The only method for determining compliance of these transmitters according to the FCC Rules and Regulations is to measure the field strength from the transmitter installed in three typical vehicles. This article describes an alternative method for determining compliance by measuring conducted RF power output and using a transfer function derived by measuring the radiated field strength from transmitters installed in a number of vehicles.

Effectiveness of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Electrostatic Discharge Protection

A simple technique to deal with ESD can be achieved by mounting multilayer ceramic...

Automated Radiated Immunity Test System For MIL-STD 461 Testing

AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation has introduced its latest automated system for conducting radiated susceptibility testing.  The AS18027 AR System has been specifically designed to perform automated testing for MIL-STD 461 requirements. The system will produce fields up to 50V/m at 1 meter distance from 1-18 GHz.
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Automotive EMC Case Study: HMI Graphics Influence on Radiated Emissions

A case study describing the influence of TFT LCD graphics on automotive radiated emissions testing and its impact to the FM band receiver. The underlying root-cause of the EMI issue is determined using a novel technique that decodes the display’s graphics into the transmitted RGB data and predicts the data’s impact to radiated emissions. The countermeasure implemented to resolve the issue is equally novel and does not involve any hardware optimizations. The use of test images to be used in component level EMC testing is also discussed.

Effects of High-Power and Transient Disturbances on Wireless Communication Systems Operating Inside the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

© 2010 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility...

Harmonic Measurement for IEC 61000-4-3 and other Radiated Immunity Standards

In the rush to complete RF immunity testing on schedule, it is not all that unusual to overlook inherent test equipment limitations. While some test equipment characteristics such as power amplifier harmonics are obviously a limiting factor, the broadband characteristics of antennas, directional couplers, power meters and isotropic field probes can hardly be considered a limitation for most applications. However, when used with power amplifiers exhibiting significant harmonic distortion in Immunity test systems, the broadband characteristics of these devices can result in measurement uncertainty and unacceptable errors.

Speed Dating 22 Airplanes from the Propeller Era

We all love planes, right? Well, most of us do and if you have...

Lightning and Miss Liberty

One hundred million volts, more or less. That is the potential that is developed as roiling masses of air and water and ice molecules furiously swap electrons during a thunderstorm. Charge separation, caused by the friction in the air, related to the mechanism of static built up by rubbing balloon on cat, fills the atmosphere with pockets of ions–positive and negative. As the voltages build, the normally-insulating air molecules stress and disassociate and filaments of current crackle across the sky, releasing mega-joules of energy in each stroke. The supersonic expansion of the ionized air along the stroke path, boiled to a plasma, cracks in a sonic boom, rolling across the sky as thunder.

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