Design Techniques for Controlling Radiated Emissions (now called Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design) has been considered by Donald Sweeney to be the ideal textbook for his EMC By Your Design Seminars since 1992, when the book was first published. And now in its new third edition, Don is pleased to have contributed to many parts of the book, including updating the Worldwide Standards and many of the graphics, as well as editing the entire book. All 13 chapters have been revised and updated addressing newer technologies, especially the updating of clock speeds and the examples worked out in the book. A special feature of the book will be a link to a continuous update of world standards and requirements as they change.
Those who have previously attended a D.L.S. Seminar using the 1st or 2nd edition of the book, and who would like to take a refresher course using the new book, will be given a 50% discount from the October 2014 seminar price.
EMC by Your Design
An EMC Practical Applications Seminar and Workshop
Tues. Oct. 7 – Thurs Oct. 9, 2014
Northbrook, IL
For more information, click on or call 847-537-6400.