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Delcross Announces Electromagnetic Interference Toolkit (EMIT) Release 3.4

Delcross Technologies announced the release of the EMIT (Electromagnetic Interference Toolkit) Version 3.4 software....

Prepping for EMI Testing

1408 F3 coverLike it or not, most electronic designs today are subject to formal EMI testing. So even if you are new to EMI/EMC (electromagnetic interference/compatibility), you need to understand what is involved and how to best prepare for a trip to the EMI test lab.

EMC Testing to be Performed on F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Model

The United States Joint Strike Fighter Program Office has requested the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) to study the effect of electromagnetic compatibility and interference on a full-scale model of an F-35A Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.

EMSCAN Introduces World’s Fastest High Resolution EMC and EMI Diagnostic System

The world’s fastest EMC/EMI diagnostic system has been reinvented to assist high density board...

New Edition of ISO/TS 21609:2014 Published

A new edition of ISO/TS 21609 has been published by the International Organization for...
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Global Report Released on the EMI and RFI Shielding Materials and Technologies Markets

Global Industry Analysts (GIA) Inc. has released a comprehensive report on the global EMI and RF shielding materials and technologies markets. The report states the forecast of this market will reach $7.9 billion by 2020.

The Basic Principles of Shielding

1403 F4 coverToday’s electrical and electronic devices are subject to mandatory EMC requirements throughout the world. Many devices operate at high frequencies and are very small. They are placed in nonconductive plastic cases providing no shielding. Essentially, all these devices cannot meet these mandatory requirements or they may cause interference to other devices or receive interference causing susceptibility problems without a proper program of EMI control. This program consists of identifying the “suspect” components and circuits that may cause or be susceptible to EMI. This is completed early on in the program to allow for an efficient design in keeping the cost of dealing with EMI as low as possible. A complete EMC program consists of proper filtering, grounding and shielding. This article will discuss the latter, but the other factors cannot and will not be ignored or given insufficient priority.

A Primer on Automotive EMC for Non-EMC Engineers

The automotive industry has changed drastically in recent years. Advancements in technology paired with tighter federal fuel and emissions regulations have resulted in the need to place more electrical systems into vehicles. This in turn places a greater emphasis on keeping the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) of these systems from interfering with each other through radiated and conducted emissions, as well as crosstalk between the multitudes of on-board systems.

Basics of EMI Troubleshooting

1403 emi-troubleshooting coverSooner or later, anyone involved with EMI will be involved in troubleshooting an EMI problem, wherever it may surface. Most commonly, the problems will be uncovered during EMI testing, generally very late in the product design cycle, resulting in costly patches and schedule delays. It is best if preliminary EMI testing is done early in the design stage - EMI problems can be uncovered early enough that corrective action can be done in a timely fashion, ideally at the circuit board level. On the back end, EMI problems are often encountered in the field - perhaps because the environment is harsher than that expected by the regulatory agencies or because of an installation problem.

Why didn’t I see this coming?

1307 F3 cover

The equipment should have passed the emissions scan. It should not be susceptible to this noise. The filter analysis said this was not a problem. The case should be an excellent shield. Why doesn’t this pass?

There are two statements I have heard about electromagnetic interference which are both related and true: EMC is the science and engineering of things that are typically not on the schematic [1], and EMI is often caused by issues of geometry [2]. The first statement speaks to the issues of parasitics, or cross coupling of energy due to magnetic induction or capacitance. The second says that the parasitics can be controlled or reduced if the proper routings and separations are maintained, and that once a degree of understanding about these coupling mechanisms is understood the control of them can be obtained.

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