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EU Commission Amends List of Harmonized Standards for Certain Radio Equipment

The Commission of the European Union (EU) has moved to update its list of harmonized standards applicable to certain types of radio equipment.

Published in late October in the Official Journal of the European Union, Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/1562 modifies Annexes I, II and III of Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/167. Those Annexes list 13 additional harmonized standards applicable to: 1) advanced surface movement guidance and control systems; 2) primary surveillance radars; 3) broadcast sound receivers; 4) international mobile telecommunications equipment; and 5) fixed radio systems.

The Implementing Decision also serves notice of the Commission’s intention to withdraw references to several harmonized standards that have either been revised or that are considered obsolete. However, the Commission says that it will defer the withdrawal of such standards until a later date to give manufacturers time to take appropriate actions.

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Read the text of the Commission’s Implementing Decision on harmonized standards for certain radio equipment.


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