Miniaturization of electronic circuits not only requires small components, but also interference-free operation. With the WE-TMSB product family, Würth Elektronik eiSos offers the smallest chip bead ferrite in the standard 0201 chip format. This package design increases packing density of components on circuit boards three-fold compared with the chip bead ferrite packages previously available on the market.
These small chip bead ferrites are therefore ideal for mobile devices. Their delicate layer structure enables broadband interference suppression with impedances up to 300Ohm. Data, clock, audio and video signals, as well as power supply lines, can be filtered up to the gigahertz range.
Five different types are currently available for rated currents up to 300mA and an operating temperature of -55°C to +125°C. All components are available from stock. Samples are available free of charge.
The number of product discontinuations announced on the market has increased over recent months, especially for large package sizes of chip bead ferrites that are predominantly used in industrial applications. Würth Elektronik eiSos continues to offer its chip bead ferrites in the sizes 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1806, 1812, 2220 and 3312.
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