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U.S. FCC Seeks Comment on Requests for Waiver of Part 15 Rules

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is seeking public comment on two separate requests for waiver of its Part 15 rules in support of the deployment of new technologies.

The first waiver request was filed in November 2019 by Vayyar Imaging, Ltd. Vayyar is seeking to obtain an FCC grant of equipment authorization for its V60G interactive motion sensing device, which operates in the 57-64 GHz band. The company says that its devices is designed for a variety of 3D interactive motion-sensing applications, and operates under the same technical parameters as a sensor device produced by another company that was previously granted a waiver.

Filed in late December 2019, the second waiver request was submitted by Zebra Technologies, which is seeking authorization for a version of its Dart positioning systems that operates in the 7125-8500 MHz range. Zebra says that its device is used to track small battery-operated tags attached to persons, assets or safety equipment, and can be used to track players in sports venues and to prevent accidents involving airplane maintenance personnel working on moving platforms.

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Comments in both filings are due by February 18, 2020 and can be made through the FCC’s electronic comment filing system. (Reference ET Docket No. 20-17 for Zebra Technologies, and ET Docket No. 20-18 for Vayyar Imaging.)  

Read the FCC’s request for comment in connection with Zebra Technologies.

Read the FCC’s request for comment in connection with Vayyar Imaging.

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