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U.S. FCC Reaches Agreement on TV Tower Lighting Violation

Scripps Broadcasting Holdings has agreed to pay $1.13 million to settle an investigation by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) into the company’s practices for monitoring the lighting on its television towers.

According to an Order issued by the FCC in mid-January, the settlement stems from an August 2018 crash of a small plane into television tower in Kaplan, Louisiana maintained by Cordillera Communications, a broadcaster recently acquired by Scripps. A subsequent investigation by the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau of the antenna involved in the crash found “irregularities” related to the broadcaster’s compliance with FCC rules pertaining to communications towers. This prompted a broader investigation that identified problems with the broadcaster’s monitoring of tower lighting systems and the maintenance of records on lighting failures.  

As part of its settlement with the FCC, Scripps has agreed to implement a compliance plan to prevent future monitoring and maintenance issues associated with its towers.

Read the FCC’s Order in connection with Scripps Broadcasting.

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