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U.S. Department of Defense Unveils Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy

In a significant development, the U.S. Department of Defense has announced the release of its plan to maintain military superiority across the electromagnetic spectrum.

Released at the end of October, the “2020 Department of Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy” details the Department’s plan to ensure its continued, unfettered and secure access to spectrum essential to the use of GPS, radio, satellite and cellphone communications essential to our country’s defense.

According to Frederick D. Moorefield, the deputy chief information officer for command, control and communications, the Defense Department “is, perhaps the biggest user of spectrum in the United States.”  “DoD uses spectrum for almost everything wireless,” he says. “Everything from tactical radios that the soldier uses in the field, or in operations, to satellite communications, to radar that we use to track objects and devices.”

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The strategy document details five separate goals for securing the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) including: 1) develop superior EMS capabilities; 2) evolve into an agile and fully integrated EMC structure; 3) pursue total force readiness in the EMS; 4) securing enduring partnership for EMS advantage; and 5 establish effective EMS governance.

The Department’s electromagnetic spectrum strategy was mandated by Congress as part of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, according to an article posted to the website of National Defense Magazine. The article also notes that the strategy could have “a wide-ranging impact on the acquisition enterprise including research and development and upgrades to legacy systems.”

Defense Department officials are expected to release a detailed roadmap and implementation plan for its electromagnetic spectrum strategy next March.

Read the complete text of the Department of Defense posting of the release of its electromagnetic spectrum strategy.

Read the National Defense Magazine posting on the Department of Defense’s electromagnetic spectrum strategy.

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