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TÜV Rheinland Honored with Frost & Sullivan’s 2014 Customer Value Enhancement Award in EMC Testing

Frost & Sullivan presents TÜV Rheinland with the 2014 European Customer Value Enhancement Award in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing Services. TÜV Rheinland merited the award because it effectively addresses the standardization issues faced by manufacturers, not only in their home country, but in markets abroad.

Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices Awards are based entirely on the merit of the company, product, service, or technology being evaluated, and specific criteria for each award category have been developed leveraging the global expertise of the organization’s analysts and consultants.

The Award for Customer Value Enhancement is presented each year to the company that has demonstrated excellence in proactively creating value for its clients with a focus on improving the return on the investment that customers make in its services or products. TÜV Rheinland earned the award based, in part, on the following achievements:

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Near and Far Field Measurements with a Vector Network Analyzer

For optimal performance in over-the-air RF systems, antennas must meet specific requirements. Performance parameters like size, wind-loading, environmental ruggedness, transmission pattern, bandwidth, and power handling capability should be considered. Methods of measuring the transmission (or reception) pattern that determines antenna gain with a VNA will be examined in this article.

Expertise in Wireless Technology and Testing, with a Special Emphasis on ZigBee® and Medical Devices

Proliferation of wireless technology and its integration into traditionally hard-wired equipment, as well as increasing connectivity of devices wirelessly connected to the Internet of Things, poses challenges not only for manufacturers but for testing companies that must use specialized EMC equipment and keep up with the evolving testing methodologies and standards.

TÜV Rheinland’s comprehensive EMC testing services cover everything from Bluetooth, WCMDA, 3G, and 4G to short-range devices and long-range wireless devices. As a ZigBee® alliance partner, the company tests for ZigBee embedded product compliance. Moreover, TÜV Rheinland is among the first companies to invest in improving its capabilities to address the EMC testing requirements for implanted medical devices, as well as a wide area network or frequency bands for medical services. This positions TÜV Rheinland to adequately address the emerging demand for EMC testing of medical equipment installed at a patient’s home and relaying data to and from a healthcare facility.

Employee Expertise and Active Participation in Standard Committees

By participating in national and international technical and conformity assessment organizations, TÜV Rheinland monitors the evolving EMC standards and ensures that its engineering team is up-to-date with various EMC standards. The company is also involved in the IECEE’s EMC expert task force that aims to facilitate the trade of electrical equipment across geographies. Active participation in the task force allows TÜV Rheinland to help its clients surpass global constraints and gain international market access.

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Exceptional Customer Service

According to Frost & Sullivan’s research, TÜV Rheinland employees strive for and achieve exceptional customer service. While pre-compliance EMC is a part of the company’s portfolio, TÜV Rheinland also performs a series of quality checks at every point in the supply chain.

The company’s customer feedback mechanism allows it to make any necessary adjustments quickly, including implementing new protocols as needed. TÜV Rheinland is also looking at initializing a process where the customer is kept in the loop on any possible challenges before the project inception. This would ensure that testing can be completed quickly, shortening the customer’s time to market.

For more information about TÜV Rheinland, visit


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