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‘Touchable’ 3D Technology to Change Future of Virtual Reality

Touchable 3D Technology | In Compliance Magazine

Developers from a National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology spin-off demonstrated cutting-edge technology that creates touchable 3D imagery. Users wear a small fingertip device that creates vibrations when objects are touched in a 3D world.

The technology was demonstrated using a head-mounted display prototype where the user wearing the fingertip device could feel resistance when pushing virtual buttons. The technology could be built into a variety of different shaped devices to aid in numerous applications. Video game controllers could be fitted with this technology to give users a sense of resistance when certain actions are performed.

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A Dash of Maxwell’s: A Maxwell’s Equations Primer – Part One

Solving Maxwell’s Equations for real-life situations, like predicting the RF emissions from a cell tower, requires more mathematical horsepower than any individual mind can muster. These equations don’t give the scientist or engineer just insight, they are literally the answer to everything RF.

Read more about the creation of touchable 3D technology.

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