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UN Lithium Battery Testing

It is a dramatic understatement to say that the world of electronic devices continues to go more portable. The mantra of smaller, lighter, and faster shows itself through the myriad of devices we use as we move through our world outside of traditional work and home environments.

The Future Revision of ISO/IEC 17025 and its Impact on EMC and Radio Testing Laboratories

This article will summarize the major changes of the new revision of ISO/IEC 17025-2005, present the new outline of the standard and will discuss the new concept of a “risk-based” approach of implementing requirements.

Preparing for and Implementing Product Recalls

This article will discuss the ways in which a company can be organized and prepared to meet its post-sale duties and to undertake a field corrective action program or a recall.

Statistical Sampling Comes to ESD Testing

How can we provide a quantitative measure of ESD robustness but control the rising test times while preventing major overstress and wear out from thousands of ESD strikes per IC?

Next Generation Charged Device Model ESD Testing

The charged device model describes the electrostatic discharge (ESD) event that occurs when an integrated circuit (IC) is rapidly charged or discharged through a single pin to a metallic surface.
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Meeting Automotive EMC/EMI Requirements

The automotive industry and individual automobile manufacturers must meet a variety of EMC requirements.

Fully Anechoic Rooms for Radiated EMC Testing

Fully anechoic rooms (or FARs) are now included as certified test sites in the generic standard CISPR 16-1-4 Ed 3.2. Although limitations exist for floor standing equipment, they significantly reduce cost and facility requirements for many products.

Wearables for Medical and Wellness Uses: Standards and FDA Guidance Documents

This article will focus on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s guidance documents and the standards applicable to wearable medical and wellness devices.

Medical Device Testing Requirements for 510(k) Submissions

Clients who engage us for FDA 510(k) submission consulting often ask what testing is required by the FDA to clear their device. While testing requirements are easy to determine for some devices, other devices require intensive research.

A Problem (and a Solution) with MIL-STD-461F/G CS114 Below 10 kHz

Ten years ago, MIL-STD-461F added a low frequency extension to CS114 that models common mode noise generated by dc power systems used on Navy ships.
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