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Evolution of Charged Device Model ESD Target Requirements

Historical Background  CDM is an important model for ESD qualification. The well-known CDM refers to...

Important Considerations When Installing, Tearing Down, and Moving an EMC Chamber

You’re an expert at EMC testing but, when it comes to installing, tearing down, and moving an EMC chamber, you may not have a clear understanding of all of the non-engineering tasks that go along with such an important event.

The Development of Proficiency Testing Programme for Electrical and Mechanical Safety Tests

This article explains the development process of a proficiency testing programme that is suitable for electrical and mechanical safety tests. The process for testing the homogeneity and stability of specimens is also discussed.

Firmware: The Inexpensive Way to Address EMC Issues

Firmware is integral to the operation of most devices, and may represent an easier and less expensive pathway for addressing EMC issues. This article presents different approaches to modifying firmware as well as case studies illustrating the potential effectiveness of this approach.

Safety Outside the Box

This article discusses additional requirements that designers and safety professionals may want to consider beyond the base standard for their product based on the environment and user exposure.
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Device Failure from the Initial Current Step of a CDM Discharge

CDM discharges exhibit a fast initial current step when the stray capacitance of the pogo pin is charged. It is demonstrated that the high slew rate can damage sensitive gate oxides. The miscorrelation of CDM and CC-TLP methodologies is addressed by applying pulses with 20 ps rise time.

Why You Should Pay Attention to Cable Discharge Events (CDE)

Cable discharge events occur more frequently than we think, but they often go unrecognized or undiagnosed for root causes, resulting in unnecessary device failures. This article discusses the origins of three types of cable discharge events.

Safety Considerations for Lithium and Lithium-Ion Batteries

This article provides an overview of current standards applicable to rechargeable lithium and lithium-ion batteries.

Dipole-Type Antennas in EMC Testing: Part II

Part II of this two-article series focuses on log-periodic and biconical antenna impedance, VSWR, and radiated emissions measurements.

A Novel Statistical Model for the Electromagnetic Coupling to Electronics inside Enclosures

The goal of this paper is to investigate fundamental mathematical and statistical algorithms for the spatiospectral analysis of electromagnetic coupling in large, complex electronic systems. A novel stochastic Green’s function and a statistical representation formula are proposed, which statistically replicates the multipath wave-chaotic dynamics inside cavity environments. The work achieves a physics-based modeling and simulation capability that predicts the probabilistic behavior of high power radio-frequency induced current and voltages in complex electronic systems.
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