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Standards and Compliance

The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation

This article discusses and contextualizes the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation for the electronics sector. While electrical equipment manufacturers that place products on the EU market are not specifically targeted under the Regulation, the law applies to them if their operations involve importing conflict-implicated metals and minerals into the EU (e.g., for use in manufacturing their products). Regardless, the Regulation raises implications for any electrical equipment manufacturer that distributes and sells products in the EU, specifically when it comes to publicly reporting on uses of conflict minerals. The EU’s proposed “transparency platform” is detailed in this regard.

Standards Play A Key Role In Enabling Innovation

Standards play a critical role in enabling new technologies to go mainstream faster while freeing customers to choose best-of-breed solutions from multiple vendors. Here’s what vendors need to know about why and how to participate in standards-related processes, including conformity assessment activities.

Robots and Robotics

The use of robots and robotics is becoming more common across many industries. As these devices become more common and their use grows, manufacturers must understand the hazards they present, regulatory requirements, and testing options.

FDA Releases Guidance on EMC of Medical Devices

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a guidance document for medical...

A Guide to EMC Test Software Validation

Is your test software the goose that has laid its golden eggs or is your software misbehaving? Does it run amok? The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of the software validation requirements, the validation rationale, and suggest independent tools that will allow you to develop your own test software validation process.
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The Development of Proficiency Testing Programme for Electrical and Mechanical Safety Tests

This article explains the development process of a proficiency testing programme that is suitable for electrical and mechanical safety tests. The process for testing the homogeneity and stability of specimens is also discussed.

Product Liability Marketing Defects

The way you market your product can turn an otherwise safely designed product into an unsafe product that causes injury and creates liability for the manufacturer and product seller.

IMDRF Proposes Update on Post-Market Medical Device Studies

The International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) has reportedly proposed an update to its...

The IEC 60601 Amendment Updates Have Published: Changes and Impacts

This article discusses the IEC 60601 Amendments Project, for Medical Electrical Safety, some of the changes to the General and Collateral Standards of the Project, and their impact on manufacturers. The future of the 60601 series of standards is also discussed.

Safety Outside the Box

This article discusses additional requirements that designers and safety professionals may want to consider beyond the base standard for their product based on the environment and user exposure.
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