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Understanding Symbols: Static Electricity Hazards

One of the critical building blocks for your product safety labels is symbols. This month,...

The Effect of the FCC’s New Rules on Testing Laboratories

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) ended 2014 with an overhaul of its Rules for...

Eight Insights into Engineering Careers in 2015

An online survey revealed some surprising trends in engineering employment. In February 2015, 1,400...

The View from the Chalkboard

This month’s edition can best be titled “If I knew then what I know...

The Pitfalls of Pass/Fail Testing

You’re at your desk when the phone rings. It’s one of your production lines;...
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The Reality of Engineering a Symposium

As far as I can tell, the first Symposium was described on papyrus by...

Making the Most of 2015: Professional Development Options for Compliance Engineers

The start of a new year is a time when we usually reflect on...

Creating Your Own Compliance Network: Advice and Guidance on Building Your Connections and Your Career

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image,...

On Symbology: This “AND” That and the King Named Cat

Most readers of this magazine can speak aloud the title of this piece, "On...

Electrically-Caused Fire in Multilayer Circuit Boards

A few months ago, a colleague asked whether he needed a fuse in series...
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