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Crosstalk Reduction Between PCB Traces

When two circuits are in the vicinity of one another, a signal propagating in one circuit can induce a signal in another circuit, due to capacitive (electric field) and/or inductive (magnetic field) coupling between the circuits. This phenomenon is referred to as crosstalk.

Operational Insulation in IEC 950

This issue’s topic is rather unique because this column addresses safety requirements for a non-safety critical device, “operational” or “functional” insulation.

The Real FAQs of Life in the RED

As of June 13, 2017 all radio transmitters that are placed on the market in the European Union will have to comply with the new Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU. This reality affects millions of devices destined for the EU.

Two Measures, Two Levels

What is a “level of protection”? What are “measures of safety”? Why do they apply only to electric shock and not to other injuries?

Transmission Line Reflections at a Discontinuity

In this article, we consider the effects of a discontinuity along the transmission line which occurs when the transmission line characteristic impedance changes.
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Automotive Certification for Taiwan

In Taiwan, it is against the law to import, buy, sell, use, distribute or trade products that require Taiwanese certification if they do not have the proper mandatory certification.

5G & IoT

This article reviews some of the current thinking with regard to IoT. The range and scope of IoT is truly enormous so we’ll take a stab at the opportunities in for us EMC and wireless folks.

How High Frequency Filter Response Can Be Destroyed

If your EMI filter is failing in high frequencies, check the frequency response of the components: parasitics limit the filtering effectiveness.

Continuing Your Education in 2017

We’ve queried training resources in our niche industry to provide you with an overview of affordable solutions to meet your training goals in 2017.

Markings and Other Aggravations

Why? Why is it that one of the biggest aggravations in product safety is that of markings? For some reason, it seems that we can never get the markings right the first time. Furthermore, it seems that markings that have been acceptable for years will suddenly go bad.
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