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Symbols in Focus

Symbol choices for your product safety labels can be complex – especially in light of the latest ISO standards update. This month, we look at some of the most pressing questions you may be facing.

Beyond ANSI/ESD S20.20: High Reliability ESD Control Processes and Lower ESD Sensitivities

ESD process control in factories where ESD-sensitive parts are being handled is the foundation for the manufacturing of high quality electronic products.

Banana Skins – January 2018 (#1-19)

We are pleased to bring you Banana Skins, a new monthly column in In Compliance, and a 20-year tradition that began in the pages of the EMC Journal.

Radiated Emissions Measurements: OATS and ALSE Methods

This article is devoted to the radiated emissions measurements. These measurements can be performed either at the Open Area Test Site (OATS) or in an Absorber-Lined Shielded Enclosure (ALSE).

Changes to the FCC’s Authorization and Importation Rules Now in Effect

The FCC updated its equipment authorization procedures and rules in a number of significant ways.
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Automated Handling Equipment

How is automated handling equipment treated under an S20.20 compliant ESD program?

Snubbers to Kill Parasitic Resonances

Snubbers are RC networks that are really useful for protecting components (transistors, diodes, etc.) and reducing EMI, especially in switching applications.

Standing Waves on Transmission Lines and VSWR Measurements

The article discusses the behavior of voltage and current waves on a transmission line with different types of loads and explains how to measure the VSWR of an antenna.

Hi-Pot Test Current, Leakage Current and Insulation Resistance

Can the hi-pot test and the insulation resistance test be combined into a single measurement? Let’s discuss each of these parameters as circuit parameters and as safety parameters.

Latch-up Electronic Design Automation Checks

Circuit design reliability verification in Integrated Circuit (IC) design is extremely challenging.
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