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Reality Engineering

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Mike Violette unravels mysterious horizontal lines plaguing hospital trauma room X-ray images. After extensive investigation, the culprit wasn't the suspected 58kHz interference but an RFID theft-detection system operating at 13.56MHz—highlighting the importance of persistence in electromagnetic troubleshooting.

Smoking or Non-smoking?

In the Summer of 2000 I booked some burn time at a small environmental lab in south Dallas. The facility was not exactly state-of-the-art, but the price was right: $300 a burn. It sure beat paying about $4,000 a burn at an NRTL at the time. For 300 bucks, you got the chamber, a methane line burner connected by a hose to a big tank of methane gas, and a technician who would manually operate the whole thing from an adjoining isolated room. A fire extinguisher was always ready “just in case”.

Celestial Dancer Certification: Khmer a Moment

Forty thousand elephants were used in the construction of Angkor Wat, the iconic world-heritage...

Software Validation Relative to EMC Lab Assessments

ISO/IEC 17025:2005 mandates EMC laboratories validate software for testing and calibration by documenting user-developed software, establishing data protection procedures, maintaining equipment, and manually verifying software results against manual calculations to ensure accuracy and data integrity.

Automating EMC Testing

From manual spectrum scanning to automated testing, this article chronicles the evolution of electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing, revealing how technology transformed a time-consuming process into a precise, efficient methodology.
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Engineering a New China Reality: My Dinner (With The) Party

Moutai (pronounced “mao tye”) is made from sorghum, a grass kin to sugar cane....

Days in Turkiye: Part 2 – Frosty Goes To Istanbul

Our last days in Diyarbakir were relaxed and uneventful; we wrapped up the final...

Travels with Frosty: Days in Turkiye

Frosty and I went to Turkey to do a little shielding work. “Travels with...

A Tall Tale: What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

A team of EMC engineers investigates mysterious interference at a historic New Jersey radio station, where classic rock music inexplicably bleeds into TV broadcasts. The investigation leads them through the station's fascinating history and its maze of aging equipment.

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