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Body Resistance – A Review

This UL Bulletin of Research on the electric fence contains much information that applies to much more than just the electric fence. This is why it is a classic work.

Present at the Creation

Gazing heavenward is as old as our eyeballs in their orbits. We look and...

Understanding Symbols: Emergency Stop

One of the critical building blocks for your product’s safe design is the proper...

The iNARTE Informer

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS A New and More Functional Website As many of you have noticed, we have...

On Limited-Current Circuits

A Product Safety Newsletter reader asked about where limited-current circuits are required by IEC...
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Where is all of this Wireless Stuff Coming From?

Walking out the door on any given weekday, heading to work, means making sure...

More Changes Coming for FCC Rules

Well There They Go Again… The FCC tossed out another Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)...

Testing Purposes

Every product is subjected to a suite of tests. What are the purposes of...

View from the Chalkboard

I am pleased to announce that we are changing the publication frequency of “View...

Book Review: Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Pocket Guide

“Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Pocket Guide” by Kenneth Wyatt, WA6TTY and Michael Gruber, W1MG This small 88-page...
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