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Our Tax Dollars at Work

The FCC’s new office of Economics and Analytics (OEA) has released its first Working...

The PIRATE Act Moves Closer to Adoption

Legislation that would dramatically increase penalties against operators of unlicensed radio broadcasts continues to...

FCC Issues NoUO to Two Worcester, MA Men

Closer to home (or at least closer to us here in Littleton, MA!), the...

FCC OET Seeks Comment on Modifying Equipment Authorization Rules

The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)...

Integrating Electronic Sensors For 3D-Printed Prosthetics

Scientists at Virginia Tech have found a new way to integrate sensors into personalized 3D-printed prosthetics.
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Powering Tech Devices With The Help Of Spintronics

Researchers from the University of Texas at San Antonia have built a graphene-based logic device capable of improving the energy efficiency of battery-dependent devices.

Improving Object Detection With Low-Bandwidth Radar Technology

Scientists from Tel Aviv University have designed a new radar technology that operates with low-bandwidth.

Using Graphene-Silicon Devices For Photonics Applications

Scientists at the University of Delaware have developed a new way to create faster communication between photonics devices.

Creating New Quantum Materials Out Of Atomically Thin Semiconductors

Scientists from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have created a new way to create quantum materials out of semiconductors.

FCC Issues Another Massive Fine for Slamming, Cramming

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a major fine against a Michigan-based...
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