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Revolutionary T-Wave Detector Relies on Electronic Waves Found in Graphene

An international team of scientists have successfully created a graphene-based terahertz detector.

Topological LC Circuits That Can Transport EM Waves Without Backscatter

Scientists from the National Institute for Materials Science, have successfully created topological LC circuits that don't result in backscattering.

Using Shape-Shifting Origami to Create Adaptable Antenna Systems

Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology have created a new way to use an origami-based structure in order to create adjustable antenna systems.

Researchers Invent Passive, Power-Free Cooling Technology

Scientists from MIT have come up with a novel approach to cooling down on hot days.

Designing High-Temperature Electronics

Researchers from Purdue University have designed a new plastic material capable of withstanding extreme heat.
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New Device Can Widen Light Beams By 400 Times

Scientists have devised a way to widen light beams, making them useful in numerous applications.

Miniaturizing Key Electronic Components for Data Centers

MIT and Princeton scientists have joined forces to create dramatically smaller key electronic components for data centers.

Engineering the Next Generation of High-Tech Batteries

Some inventive engineering could help usher in the next generation of high-tech batteries.

New Film Blocks Electromagnetic Inteference

NYU scientists have created a new type of film that can block dangerous electromagnetic interference.

Successfully Harvesting 2-D Materials

Scientists from MIT have found a new way to harvest 2D materials quickly and effectively.
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