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Tackling Low-Voltage Signaling in Inverter Design: Part 2

Discover practical strategies for managing noise in high-power inverter designs. From component selection and PCB stack-up to routing techniques, learn how to protect sensitive low-voltage signals while maintaining system performance. Essential reading for engineers working with mixed-signal power electronics designs.

Tackling Low-Voltage Signaling in Inverter Design: Part 1

Often, low voltage signaling issues are silent during the initial evaluation phase of product development, and once the power is turned up suddenly, communication stops being reliable. By identifying key analysis steps at each stage of the design process, this two-part article will help you plan, identify, and solve these issues.

EMI Shielding and Thermal Interface Considerations for Commercial and Defense Drone Technology

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and excessive heat pose considerable risk to the proper operation of electronic systems within commercial and defense drone technology. By implementing solutions such as EMI shielding products and thermal interface materials, engineers and product designers can mitigate risks and meet regulatory requirements needed for high reliability and performance.

Evaluating the Latest Strategies for Electrostatic Hazard Mitigation in Medical Environments

This article discusses the risks of electrostatic discharge (ESD) in healthcare settings and the new ESDA TR29 guidance document. It outlines causes of ESD, potential hazards like equipment malfunction and data loss, and preventive measures such as static control flooring, proper grounding, and humidity control. The article also describes recommended ESD control programs for healthcare facilities.

Filter Designs for Switched Power Converters − Part 1: Overview

This series of articles delves into the design principles of power filters for switched-mode power converters and similar applications, focusing on conducted and radiated emissions. Part 1 provides an overview of filter design principles, emphasizing the need for specialized approaches to meet EMC specifications in an increasingly electrified and sustainable world.
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Advanced CDM Simulation Methodology for High-Speed Interface Design

A Charged Device Model (CDM) simulation method has been demonstrated to predict CDM fail current of receiving circuits with gate oxide connected to pad. This method involves inclusion of 20ps rise time edge into the stimulus. It was shown previously that this fast rise time component of the pulse can cause the gate oxide damage. The simulation method is intended as a schematic-level tool during pre-silicon design phase to deliver CDM ESD protection. Simulation results are verified by silicon results with qualification CDM test on package and Transmission-Line-Pulse (TLP) measurements on wafer-level.

3-D Modeling and Characterization of Ferrite and Nanocrystalline Magnetic Cores for EMI Applications

This study examines the impact of complex magnetic permeability in 3-D simulations of toroidal ferrites and magnetic cores for EMC applications, revealing its importance and limitations at different frequencies.

Designing for EMP Resilience

This article provides an overview of high-altitude electromagnetic pulses and the damaging effects they pose to sensitive electronic circuitry, equipment and systems that support a wide range of critical applications, along with common EMP protection approaches and current testing methods used to evaluate the resilience of equipment and systems exposed to an EMP attack.

Thermal Runaway Energy Release as a Function of the State of Charge

Designing safe products powered by lithium-ion batteries requires an understanding of how the battery pack will behave while undergoing thermal runaway. In this work, fractional thermal runaway calorimetry is used to estimate the energy release from cells at different states of charge when undergoing a thermal runaway.

Impact of a Decoupling Capacitor and Trace Length on Signal Integrity in a CMOS Inverter Circuit

This article describes a laboratory experiment that shows the impact of the decoupling capacitors and a PCB trace length on the signal integrity in a CMOS inverter circuit.
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