Smaller, stronger, faster: that’s how we like our technology these days. The demand for high-powered, tiny technology is rapidly on the rise, and engineers are scrambling to met this need. Now, a new chip is pushing the limits of our battery power, and ushering in a new age of efficient electronics.
Scientists at the University of Texas San Antonio have begun the process of commercializing a new type of chip with a previously unseen capacity for power and durability. The chip is barely the size of a pin head, but has huge implications for how we operate most of our favorite electronic devices. The device (which can run basically any type of technology that runs on batteries) requires far less energy than traditional chips and batteries. Its size makes it perfect for our pressing need for smaller and smaller devices. Additionally, it takes on one of the major complaints of consumers: it keeps your device from overheating while you use it.
Besides cell phones, computers, and other handheld devices, this chip could prove a huge boon to the medical community: scientists are currently working on how to incorporate the chip into medical devices. By using a device that lasts far longer while requiring less energy to function, users would have to turn to surgery to fix failing technology less often — a huge advantage to anyone with a pacemaker or other medical device.
The scientists behind this remarkable chip have received a grant for the commercialization of their technology, and are working with advertising and marketing agents to determine the best way to effectively present it to the world. They believe that as the Internet of Things makes us increasingly connected to our devices throughout our daily lives, the need for small, fast, and effective technology will only increase. This chip could prove a major game-changer in the race to reduce the size of our technology while simultaneously increasing its power.