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The iNARTE Informer – May 2013

On May 6, 2012, iNARTE formally merged with RABQSA International. Since that time, the iNARTE staff members, including Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kathy Lawrence, have worked closely with RABQSA staff members to successfully merge iNARTE operations and exam development into RABQSA. While the website continues to be the main source of information for iNARTE certifications at this time, the operations of iNARTE certifications are fully managed by RABQSA out of the Milwaukee, WI principal office.

Mr. Peter Holtmann, CEO of RABQSA, commented that the addition of iNARTE products to the RABQSA offering has provided great value and a broader scope of offering to our global audience. “We see a bright future for the iNARTE product. The experience gained by merging of the non-profit into RABQSA will serve us well for our future pursuits.”

iNARTE would not be where it is today without the dedication of Brian and Kathy Lawrence, ensuring the continuance of the legacy iNARTE certifications and continuing to add value to industry by identifying and developing new certification programs to meet the needs of professionals around the world. RABQSA thanks Brian and Kathy Lawrence for their time and expertise over the last year, ensuring the knowledge and content transfer was a success so that iNARTE will continue to thrive as a product of RABQSA.

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The primary purpose of a job analysis survey is to validate the knowledge and performance topics required within a job role that are measured as part of the written examination.  The survey results are also used to validate other requirements applicants must meet before certification can be awarded.

To establish the validity of knowledge topics, respondents are asked to provide an importance and frequency rating, based on how the topic applies in their current role.  The importance and frequency ratings are used to ensure that the knowledge topics being measured within an examination are appropriate, important, and applied frequently enough within the job role.

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The results of the Product Safety Job Analysis survey administered in December 2012 validated the current certification requirements for the iNARTE Product Safety certification program. As reported in the prior issue of InCompliance magazine, 78% of the responders had over 10 years of work experience in product safety and 58% held at least a bachelor’s degree, thus confirming the current work experience and education requirements so that these requirements can remain unchanged for the Product Safety program.

The data regarding the knowledge examination validated all examination topics except the topic titled “Military and Civil Electrical Safety Standards”. This topic had low importance and frequency ratings, meaning that this topic is neither important nor used frequency enough in the role of Product Safety Engineers and Technicians to be included as part of the examination process.  More importantly, given that most Product Safety Engineers and Technicians are in the United States and Japan, the low ratings were consistent between both countries. As a result, this topic will be removed from all examinations beginning in June 2013.

The results from the survey were used to construct the final structure of the test specifications. A set of test specifications are the knowledge topics and the number of test questions that will appear in each exam in support of a certification program.  More information on the final set of test specifications for the Product Safety Engineer and Technician exams can be found at

For more information regarding the Product Safety Job Analysis Survey, please contact Mary Rehm, RABQSA Psychometrician, at or visit


RABQSA International, in partnership with the EMC Society, is currently facilitating the review of the certification and examination requirements for the iNARTE EMC Engineer and Technician personnel certification program. The process for this review includes conducting a job analysis survey, developing an updated version of test specifications, and validating or updating the certification requirements.

The EMC Steering Committee is seeking individuals to participate on several Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) who will meet in web (online) meetings to accomplish the following activities:

  • Item Writing: writing test questions (items) for the EMC Engineer and Technician exams
    • Individuals who may participate on the Item Writing TAG are individuals who
      • Are currently certified as an iNARTE EMC Engineer or Technician
      • May be current or future instructors
  • Item Review: review current test questions (items) and newly written test questions for accuracy and appropriateness
  • Exam Review: review the pilot exam form for accuracy and appropriateness
  • Cut Score Study: analyze the content of the pilot exam form to aid in setting an appropriate passing (cut) score
    • Individuals who may participate on the Item Review, Exam Review and Cut Score Study TAGs are individuals who
      • Are currently certified as an iNARTE EMC Engineer or Technician
      • May NOT be current or future instructors

All TAG members are required to sign a confidentiality agreement with RABQSA International prior to attending any meetings stating that no confidential information (i.e., the written test items) will be disclosed to third-parties.

If you would like to participate on an iNARTE EMC TAG, please confirm your interest by sending your resume or CV to Mary Rehm, RABQSA Psychometrician, at


To ensure you receive access to your iNARTE records via the RABQSA Online Portal when it is made available, send your name, certificate number, and current email address to Laura Funk, RABQSA Office
Assistant, Certification Services, at

iNARTE is a product of RABQSA International, Inc.

RABQSA’s mission is to provide world-class products and services that add value to professionals in industry through competency-based certification. RABQSA creates value for you and your customers. We design, develop, and deliver personnel and training certification services relevant to your industry. Our certification services are designed to be efficient, consistent and relevant to Industry’s needs. We create and maintain value to industry, our certified professionals, and training providers by ensuring that our certification remains relevant and also compliant to international standards. RABQSA International certification delivers the right people, with the right abilities, to achieve the right outcomes.

RABQSA’s principal offices are located in Sydney, Australia, Milwaukee, USA and Seoul, Korea and international offices located throughout the world. 



Last month’s question was from the EMC Design Engineer pool:

When designing high-speed Printed Wiring Boards, should power and return planes be on adjacent layers, and for what reason?

  1. Yes, to reduce noise on the power plane at high frequencies.
  2. No, because the material that separates the power and return planes will often fail and short the power plane.
  3. Yes, it is industry standard to design the connectors so that they are forced to feed the power and grounds on adjacent layers.
  4. Yes, if the planes are not routed next to each other, the boards may warp during fabrication.

While a case could be made for (A), the generally accepted answer is D. Yes, if the planes are not routed next to each other, the boards may warp during fabrication.

This month’s question is from the EMC Engineer pool:

In Automotive EMC testing according to CISPR 25, what value of series capacitance is in the LISN (Artificial Network) between the power supply and equipment under test (EUT)?

  1. 500 µF
  2. 50 µF
  3. 5 µF
  4. A series capacitor is not used.

See next month’s iNARTE Informer for the correct answer to this month’s question.




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