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The iNARTE Informer – May 2010

Unfortunately our administrator for the FCC Licensure side of our operation, Judy Sydow, has had to leave iNARTE in order to undergo a series of medical treatments. This has been a sudden decision and we all wish her a full and speedy recovery. While we recruit a replacement for Judy, anyone wanting to schedule any of the FCC examinations or ask any questions about the program can contact Jeameeka White at the iNARTE office (Jeameeka

Japan: iNARTE certification programs in the disciplines of EMC and Product Safety Engineering are administered in Japan by our Partner Kansai Electronic Industry Development Center (KEC). KEC offers EMC examinations during February each year and the PSE examinations in June. This year KEC set a new record, with a total of 258 candidates taking the EMC examinations at three different Test Centers.

China: This year the Asia Pacific EMC Week and Technical Symposium, 2010, was held at the International Convention Center in Beijing, China, during April 12th to 15th, (see iNARTE was well represented at this event with an exhibition booth and by our sponsorship of a full day of technical presentations on April 12th.

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A Dash of Maxwell’s: A Maxwell’s Equations Primer

Through mathematical precision, Glen Dash offers a comprehensive exploration of Maxwell's Equations, revealing the intricate mechanisms by which electric and magnetic fields interact to explain electromagnetic radiation and fundamentally shape our technological understanding of modern electronics and communications.

Following an introduction to the iNARTE certification programs, the iNARTE presentations continue with:

  • “Overview of Current FCC rules for Compliance” by Wailand Zhang, ATCB.
  • “Introducing the new ANSI C63.10 Standards for Unlicensed Wireless Devices” by Michael Windler, Underwriters Labs.
  • “Top 10 EMC Design Rules for Achieving Compliance” by Elya Joffe, K.T.M. Project Engineering.

Sponsoring and promoting such presentations and workshops is just a part of iNARTE’s dedication to providing opportunities for the professional development of all practitioners within the disciplines that we serve.

Singapore/Malaysia: This past twelve months has seen a significant increase in the number of applications for ESD certification in this region. The upsurge of interest can be attributed in great part to the excellent work of our partner in Singapore, who provides ESD control consulting services and training to the larger companies in that region.

iNARTE and the Electrostatic Discharge Association, ESDA, have a formal agreement for mutual cooperation and promotion of awareness and engineering excellence in the control of electrostatic discharge. The ESDA has recently completed development of a two day, comprehensive short course, offering a broad exposure to the fundamentals of ESD Programs. This course will be offered for the first time at the Doubletree Hotel on Chicago’s North Shore on June 16th and June 17th, followed by a one day tutorial on June 18th covering Electrostatic Calculations. On June 19th, attendees will have the opportunity to validate their knowledge of ESD Control by taking either the iNARTE ESD Certified Engineer examination, the iNARTE ESD Certified Technician examination or the ESDA Program Manager Certification examination.

Full details of this excellent opportunity for professional development and certification in ESD control can be found at

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Information on the application and registration procedures for either of the iNARTE ESD examinations can be found at Applicants can register with iNARTE on line and should enter “ESDA Workshop Chicago” as their selected Test Center.

Early registration is recommended to ensure space availability.

See the table below for upcoming events.

June 15 – 16 Workshop on ANSI C63.10 – 2009
Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices
Underwriters Laboratories
Northbrook, IL
Art Wall (Radio Regulatory Consultants)
Mike Windler (UL),
Bob Delisi (UL)
Bill Hurst (FCC)
June 16 – 19 Training Seminar covering ESD Program Essentials and Electrostatic Calculations, including Certification Examinations
Doubletree Hotel and Conference CenterChicago
North Shore, IL
Ted Dangelmayer, (Dangelmayer Assoc.)
Dr Terry Welsher, (Dangelmauyer Assoc.)
Dr. Leo Henry, (Consulting Engineer)
Carl Newberg, (MicroStat Laboratories)
14 – 17
Laboratory Auditor ISO 17025 Training
and Credentialing,
Marriot O’Hare Airport
Chicago, IL
ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board, (ACLASS)

Several other workshops are in the pipeline, so be sure to visit the iNARTE web site regularly to be sure not to miss those in your region or field of interest.



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