IEC 60609-2This standard serves as a basis for the formulation of guarantees on cavitation pitting on Pelton turbine runners. It also provides a basis for the measurement and evaluation of the amount of cavitation pitting on Pelton turbine runners of a given turbine, which is defined in the contract by(...)
IEC 60657Summarizes the present position on difference in limits and attitudes towards non-ionizing hazards adopted by a number of different countries, and by the IEC and other international organizations, in standards and recommendations.
IEC 60671Lays down principles for testing I&C systems performing category A, B and C functions, per IEC 61226, during normal power operation and shutdown, so as to check the functional availability especially with regard to the detection of faults that could prevent the proper operation of the(...)
IEC 60677Recommendations are presented for uniform practice with regard to block transfers in CAMAC modular instrumentation and digital interface systems of IEC 60516.
IEC 60695-1-10Provides general guidance on how to reduce to acceptable levels the risk of fire and the potential effects of fires involving electrotechnical products. It also describes the relationship between fire risk and the potential effects of fire, it also emphasises the importance of the scenario(...)
IEC 60695-1-11IEC 60695-1-11:2014 provides guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products and for the resulting development of fire hazard testing as related directly to harm to people, animals or property. It outlines a hazard-based process to identify appropriate fire test methods and(...)
IEC 60695-1-30Provides guidance for assessing and choosing candidate materials, components or sub-assemblies for making an end-product based upon preselection testing. It describes how preselection provides comparative fire hazard test methods to evaluate the performance of a test specimen and how(...)
IEC 60695-1-40Provides guidance on the minimization of fire hazard arising from the use of electrical insulating liquids, with respect to: electrotechnical equipment and systems and people, building structures and their contents.
IEC 60695-2-10Specifies the glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure to simulate the effects of thermal stresses which may be produced by heat sources such as glowing elements or overloaded resistors, for short periods, in order to assess the fire hazard by a simulation technique.
IEC 60695-2-11Specifies the details of the glow-wire test to be applied to end-products for fire hazard testing. For the purpose of this standard, end-product means electrotechnical equipment, its subassemblies, and components.
IEC 60695-2-12Specifies the details of the glow-wire test to be applied to test specimens of solid electrical insulating materials or other solid materials for flammability testing to determine the glow-wire flammability index (GWFI).
IEC 60695-2-13Specifies the details of the glow-wire test to be applied to test specimens of solid electrical insulating materials or other solid materials for ignitability testing to determine the glow-wire ignition temperature (GWIT).
IEC 60695-4The terms and definitions in this standard are applicable to fire tests for electrotechnical products. This basic safety publication is intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51.
IEC 60695-6-1Gives guidance on: a) optical measurement of smoke obscuration; b) general aspects of optical smoke test methods; c) consideration of test methods; d) expression of smoke test data; e) relevance of optical smoke data to hazard assessment.
IEC 60695-6-2Provides a summary of the test methods that are used in the assessment of smoke obscuration. It presents a brief summary of static and dynamic test methods in common use, either as international standards or national or industry standards.
IEC 60695-7-1Provides guidance on the factors which affect the toxic hazard from fires involving electrotechnical products, and provides information on the methodologies recommended by ISO TC 92 (SC 3) for estimating and reducing the toxic hazard from fires, as expressed in ISO 19706, ISO 13344 and ISO 13571.
IEC 60695-7-2Gives a brief summary of the test methods that are in common use in the assessment of acute toxic potency, and other toxicity tests. It includes special observations on their relevance to real fire scenarios and gives recommendations on their use. It advises which tests provide toxic potency(...)
IEC 60695-7-3Concerns laboratory tests used to measure the toxic components of the fire effluent from either electrotechnical products or materials used in electrotechnical products. It provides guidance on the use and interpretation of results from such tests.
IEC 60695-7-50Describes a test method for the generation of fire effluent and the identification and measurement of its constituent combustion products. It uses a moving test specimen and a tube furnace at different temperatures and air flow rates as the fire model.
IEC 60695-8-1Provides guidance on the measurement and interpretation of heat release from electrotechnical products and materials from which they are constructed.