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Wireless Soft Sensors Enable Submarines to Perform Delicate Deep-Sea Research

Scientists have equipped submarines with wireless soft sensors to help them explore the ocean's depths.

Wake-Free Propulsion Systems Proven with Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling

Scientists have conceived of a way to cloak submarines and other devices with water-cloaks.

U.S. Navy 3D Prints Submersible Submarine

The United States Navy has successfully printed a submersible submarine using 3D printing technology.

This Submarine Can Operate Autonomously for Months

Boeing has developed an unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) can launch itself, operate autonomously for...

Submarine to Explore Titan’s Methane Sea

In advance of the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, NASA has released a...
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Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment of Wireless Emissions in Shipboard Spaces

Electromagnetic compatibility of wireless communications and sensor networks with mission critical electronic equipment is assessed for below-deck spaces on ships and submarines. With intentional wireless emission of radio-frequency (RF) energy into the reverberant spaces, it is necessary to measure and characterize the statistical electromagnetic environment (EME) and to predict maximum electric field strengths to a specified confidence level.

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