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NASA Space Shuttle’s Return to Flight: The Untold Electromagnetic Backstory

After the tragic 2003 Columbia re-entry accident, computational and experimental electromagnetics were ultimately applied to foster the development of a new NASA Ascent Debris Radar (NDR) for the remaining 22 Shuttle missions.

Experiments of DC Human Body Resistance I

Direct Current (DC) applications have become more prevalent in recent years, primarily due to the increased usage of renewable energy and energy storage systems. A review of the existing safety standards and other literature shows that there is limited experimental data on DC human body resistance. In particular, no information was found by the authors describing the repeatability of DC body impedance and the effect of contact material and other variables.

In-Depth on Risk Assessment

Take a deep dive into the practical implications of risk assessment and your products.

Guidelines for Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing

Fully Evaluating Performance and Safety Considerations is Critical to Successful Deployment As wireless communications technology...

Understanding Risk Assessment

This month, we’ll look at risk assessment, a fundamental element not only of labeling, but of the overall safety of your products
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Analyzing Risk Before and After Sale

This article will discuss risk assessment techniques before and after sale and some of the legal and practical implications arising from their use.

Generalized Formula for the Calculation of a Probabilistic Metric for Random Hardware Failures in Redundant Systems

ISO 26262 defines the probabilistic metric for random hardware failures (PMHF) as the average probability of a violation of a safety goal associated with a failure over a vehicle’s lifetime and architecture metrics. In this article, we propose a method to calculate the PMHF and expand the application to redundant subsystems that are not adequately described in the standard.

CPSC Signs Trilateral Agreement with Canada, Mexico

Federal consumer protection agencies in the three major North American countries have signed an agreement affirming their intent to cooperate in protecting their nations' citizens from unsafe products.

EU Commission Updates Standards List for PPE Directive

The Commission of the European Union (EU) has an updated list of standards that...

CPSC Eliminates Third-Party Testing for Certain Plastics in Children’s Toys

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has voted unanimously to eliminate mandatory, third-party...
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