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Celestial Dancer Certification: Khmer a Moment

Forty thousand elephants were used in the construction of Angkor Wat, the iconic world-heritage...

Automating EMC Testing

From manual spectrum scanning to automated testing, this article chronicles the evolution of electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing, revealing how technology transformed a time-consuming process into a precise, efficient methodology.

Engineering a New China Reality: My Dinner (With The) Party

Moutai (pronounced “mao tye”) is made from sorghum, a grass kin to sugar cane....

Days in Turkiye: Part 2 – Frosty Goes To Istanbul

Our last days in Diyarbakir were relaxed and uneventful; we wrapped up the final...

Travels with Frosty: Days in Turkiye

Frosty and I went to Turkey to do a little shielding work. “Travels with...
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A Tall Tale: What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

A team of EMC engineers investigates mysterious interference at a historic New Jersey radio station, where classic rock music inexplicably bleeds into TV broadcasts. The investigation leads them through the station's fascinating history and its maze of aging equipment.

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