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Power Amplifier Linearity Requirements per IEC 61000-4-3

Introduction The 2020 edition of IEC 61000-4-3 contains several significant technical changes. According to the...

Non-Technical Considerations Often Overlooked When Determining ROI for an In-House EMC Chamber

Are you considering the purchase of an EMC chamber for in-house testing? If so, what factors should you consider for determining if the investment is a wise choice or if the continued utilization of a third-party test facility is the better option?

How EMI Filters Are Specified For RF Performance

Don’t overlook the fact that EMI filters can be used to prevent unwanted RF noise (such as electrical fast transient burst, conducted RF, and some surges) from entering susceptible devices.

How Ferrites Are Specified for RF Performance

Ferrites are frequency dependent components used to attenuate unwanted high frequency RF signals that...

How Not to Blow Up Your Spectrum Analyzer

Spectrum analyzers are expensive pieces of equipment that should be handled with care, especially when it involves applying signals to the RF input. Some new users may not know what “care” means and how to go about ensuring the spectrum analyzer they’re using is protected from overloading and damage.
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Oscilloscope Probe Considerations

A basic knowledge of the probe types and their performance capabilities is important because their operation can affect the whole system under test and measurement results obtained.

Trust but Verify

It’s imperative for successful completion of a testing project that as a compliance engineer or technician leading a product certification effort, you trust but verify the work of testing facilities.

Requirements of Antennas for EMC Testing

Antennas used for EMC testing possess several characteristics which make them ideal for use in a fast-paced, production-like EMC test environment. This article will briefly describe what these characteristics are, starting with the most important parameter – antenna factor.

A Non-Typical Use for an ESD Simulator

If you have to purchase an ESD Simulator, you might as well get as much mileage out of it as you can, right?

Important Considerations When Installing, Tearing Down, and Moving an EMC Chamber

You’re an expert at EMC testing but, when it comes to installing, tearing down, and moving an EMC chamber, you may not have a clear understanding of all of the non-engineering tasks that go along with such an important event.
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