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Mike Violette

Keep Looking

Rufus set up the stepladder outside the trauma room so I could climb up...

Celestial Dancer Certification: Khmer a Moment

Forty thousand elephants were used in the construction of Angkor Wat, the iconic world-heritage...

Engineering a New China Reality: My Dinner (With The) Party

Moutai (pronounced “mao tye”) is made from sorghum, a grass kin to sugar cane....

Days in Turkiye: Part 2 – Frosty Goes To Istanbul

Our last days in Diyarbakir were relaxed and uneventful; we wrapped up the final...

Travels with Frosty: Days in Turkiye

Frosty and I went to Turkey to do a little shielding work. “Travels with...
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A Tall Tale: What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

Rising above the tidal marshes of Southern New Jersey stands a red and white antenna tower shadowing a World War II era radio shack. The marsh was a simple mosquito nursery in the 40s when the first modest building—a cinder block foundation and stick-framed walls— was erected as part of a string of radio stations that formed a wartime network on the East Coast. German subs prowled the waters just off the shore of Cape May which hosted just a few houses and one general store with peeling gray paint and sway-back roofline.

Lightning and Miss Liberty

One hundred million volts, more or less. That is the potential that is developed as roiling masses of air and water and ice molecules furiously swap electrons during a thunderstorm. Charge separation, caused by the friction in the air, related to the mechanism of static built up by rubbing balloon on cat, fills the atmosphere with pockets of ions–positive and negative. As the voltages build, the normally-insulating air molecules stress and disassociate and filaments of current crackle across the sky, releasing mega-joules of energy in each stroke. The supersonic expansion of the ionized air along the stroke path, boiled to a plasma, cracks in a sonic boom, rolling across the sky as thunder.

Certification: A Panacea for a Paranoid Society?

The growth in the electronics sector over the last 30 years has been paralleled by the growth of Certification programs developed to verify conformance with requirements.

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