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ENERGY STAR Version 6.1 Computers Draft Test Method

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes your input on the following Draft Version...

EPA Requests Comments on Computer Specification and Test Procedure

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requests comments on the Final Draft Version 6.0...

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Recognizes A2LA

On June 30, 2010, the EPA released its Final Conditions and Criteria for Recognition of Accreditation Bodies and Final Conditions and Criteria for Recognition of Testing Laboratories documents.  A2LA had no problems meeting or exceeding the EPA criteria based upon our experience and positive MRA evaluations. A2LA is now recognized by the EPA to provide Accreditation for ENERGY STARtesting laboratories that perform product testing in support of the ENERGY STARprogram and its specific product family test methods and requirements.

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