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EU amends eco-design requirements for electric motors

The Commission of the European Union (EU) has amended its eco-design and energy efficiency...

Louisiana State University College of Engineering Concludes Capital Campaign for Renovation and Addition

LSU College of Engineering has completed their capital campaign to improve and expand their engineering college three months ahead of schedule. The campaign brought in more than the $100 million partnership goal needed for renovations and an addition to their engineering offerings.

Vanderbilt University Receives National Science Foundation Grant to Train ‘Engineering Ambassadors’

Vanderbilt University has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to create a new outreach program to train graduate and undergraduate students to become representatives in engineering education for students in middle and high schools.

New Members and Associates Elected into National Academy of Engineering

67 new members and 11 foreign associates were elected into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) earlier this week. The NAE, founded in 1964, is a nonprofit institute that provides engineering independent advice to federal government on matters involving engineering and technology.

Design Practices for Military EMC and Environmental Compliance

1402 F2 coverThe reliable operation of complex electronic communications, control and armament systems in extreme environments demands stringent design criteria and careful validation. Severe shock, vibration, heat, humidity and airborne contaminants are common in land, sea and air platforms.

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Usability Engineering: Observe Users, Improve Product Safety

1402 F3 coverUp until now there’s been much emphasis on designing to make a product “idiot proof”. This has provided some benefit, but what Usability Engineering is reminding us is that it is the designers who are sometimes viewed as idiots by the users. It is the users who are the experts (in usability).

GVSU Electromagnetic Compatibility Center Helps Local Companies Design and Test New Electrical

The new center at the Grand Valley State University in Michigan is pairing engineering students with local companies to assist in developing and testing new products that will eventually enter the market.

Pilot Project at UTSA College of Engineering Improves Student Retention, Grades and Graduation Rate

A 5-year pilot project at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Engineering that introduced a new freshman seminar course called Just in Time Math (JITM) has shown improvements in retention rate and grade point average in students who took the class.

New Engineering Product Innovation Center Opens at Boston University

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held last week at Boston’s University’s College of Engineering to open their newest facility, the Engineering Product Innovation Center (EPIC). The center will allow students more hands-on experience than they previously had access to.

Grant Awarded to PennTAP to Foster College of Engineering and Industry Relationship

A two-year $550,000 grant has been awarded to the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) at Penn State University by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED).

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