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Book Review: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About EMC…But Were Afraid to Ask

This engaging 200-page handbook compiles a lifetime of learning and key lessons on various aspects of Electromagnetic Compatibility, written with wit and charm.

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compliance

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electronic equipment to function properly without interference from noise sources and without causing disturbances to other electronic equipment. This article will help the reader understand the modes of electrical noise propagation, how fields interact, and the methods of testing for EMC, helping to provide the basis for designing low-emissions, low-susceptibility electronic equipment.

Impact of a Decoupling Capacitor and Trace Length on Signal Integrity in a CMOS Inverter Circuit

This article describes a laboratory experiment that shows the impact of the decoupling capacitors and a PCB trace length on the signal integrity in a CMOS inverter circuit.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 3: Cascaded LC and CL Filters

This is the third article of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 2: π and T Filters

This is the second of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters. This article focuses on π and T filters.
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Capacitor Technologies Used in Filtering

Although understanding each capacitor type and behavior is daunting and difficult to memorize, it is prudent that every aspiring engineer and technician involved in design for EMC at least have a rudimentary understanding of what capacitor technologies are available.

GaN/SiC Transistors for Your Next Design: Fight or Flight?

This article offers some useful insights and guidelines on how to effectively design and test systems using wide band gap devices to optimize product performance and achieve EMC compliance.

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 1: LC and CL Filters

This is the first article of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters.

Banana Skins – October 2023 (#433-436)

The paper machine process requires precise control of the paper sheet tension as it progresses through the machine.

Journey to the Center of the Dipole

The electrical engineering sub-discipline of electromagnetic compatibility has been described as the study of second-order effects that were ignored in college.
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