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Portion of C-Band Spectrum Reallocated for Terrestrial Broadband Use

  A portion of the C-band spectrum, 3.4 to 3.8 GHz, was reallocated for use...

Multiuser, Multiantenna Scheme Created to Use Unused UHF TV Spectrum

Wireless researchers from Rice University have developed a way to make the most of...

Low Noise Desktop Preamplifier for EMC with Built-in Battery

US Microwave Laboratories has released the USMC0125, its latest low noise broadband preamplifier that...

700 MHz Band to Be Repurposed for Wireless Broadband

A recent report published by Pascal Lamy, Chairman of the High Level Group on...

UK Superfast Broadband Project Expands High-Speed Network to a Million Homes

The British government has announced that its Superfast Broadband project has reached a million homes and project that by 2017 95 percent of UK homes will have access to superfast broadband.

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Empower RF Systems Announces Approval of a Patent on “Broadband linearization module and method”

Empower RF Systems is proud to announce the approval of a new patent related...

Pasternack Announces New 2 Watt, 40 GHz Attenuators

Pasternack Enterprises, Inc. has announced their new line of 2 Watt, 40 GHz attenuators...

Researchers Transmit Wireless Broadband to the Moon

MIT and NASA researchers have demonstrated how wireless broadband can be transmitted to the...

Pasternack Releases New Family of Low Noise Amplifiers

Pasternack Enterprises, Inc. has released a new family of low noise amplifiers (LNA) capable...

FCC Proposes New “Innovation Spectrum” for Broadband Radio Service

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released proposed rules for a new Citizens Broadband...
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