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bogdan adamczyk

Correlation Between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance of EMC Filters, Part 1: LC and CL Filters

This is the first article of a three-article series devoted to the correlation between the insertion loss and input impedance of passive EMC filters.

Return-Current Distribution in a PCB Microstrip Line Configuration, Part 2

This is the second article of a two-article series devoted to the return current distribution in a PCB microstrip line configuration.

Return-Current Distribution in a PCB Microstrip Line Configuration, Part 1

This is the first article of a two-article series devoted to the return current distribution in a 2-layer FR-4 PCB microstrip line configuration with a solid reference plane.

Far-Field Criterion for Wire‑Type Antennas

This article presents the derivation of the far-field criterion for two fundamental wire-type antennas: electric (or Hertzian) dipole and magnetic dipole.

Smith Chart and Input Impedance to Transmission Line, Part 3: Input Impedance to the Line

This article explains how to use a Smith Chart to determine the input impedance to transmission line at a given distance from the source or the load.
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Smith Chart and Input Impedance to Transmission Line

This is the second of the three articles devoted to the topic of a Smith Chart.

Smith Chart and Input Impedance to Transmission Line, Part 1: Basic Concepts

This is the first of the three articles devoted to the Smith Chart and the calculations of the input impedance to a lossless transmission line.

Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis of Transmission Lines

This is the third of the three tutorial articles devoted to the frequency-domain analysis of a lossless transmission line.

Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis of Transmission Lines

This is the second of the three tutorial articles devoted to the frequency-domain analysis of a lossless transmission line. This article shows numerous methods of calculating the voltage, current, and input impedance at various locations on the transmission line, using the Circuit Model.

Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis of Transmission Lines

This tutorial article is a part of the three-article series devoted to the frequency-domain analysis of a lossless transmission line.
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