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antenna measurement

IEEE Recommended Practice for Antenna Measurements

Even if you are not involved in the practice of the measurement of antennas but have a passing interest and would like to learn more, this is the standard to read. Doing so will quickly get you up to speed, saving you many hours of unnecessary research and much confusion.

The Antenna Measurement Standard IEEE 149 Finally Gets an Update

In its current form, IEEE Std 149 “IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas” is a marginally useful document. While the standard is a good source for interesting and pertinent information, the document has not undergone a significant update since 1979. The changes to the new version of the IEEE Std 149 will make the document an essential reference in any laboratory that conducts antenna measurements.

NIST Robot Measures High Frequency Antennas

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a robot...

AR and MVG Sign Memorandum of Agreement to Provide Turnkey Solutions

With this agreement, both AR (Amplifier Research) and MVG (Microwave Vision Group) offer a...

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