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Energy-Related Products and Resource Efficiency Requirements

This article reflects on the recent drafting of a European circular product standard, the publication of EN4555X material efficiency standards, and some specific international and national standards. This standardization activity is spearheading thinking on resource efficiency, and the requirements of these standards could soon find their way into future EU ecodesign laws.

Latest EU Ecodesign and Energy Labeling Developments

This article discusses two recent European Commission publications: a proposal for an EU Sustainable Products Regulation and the 2022-2024 Ecodesign & Energy Labelling Working Plan. Both publications raise implications for businesses involved in the manufacture and supply of electrical and electronic equipment to the EU market.

Exporting Radio Equipment to Saudi Arabia: A Look at the Law

This article discusses the legislation that applies when placing radio equipment on the Saudi market. For product manufacturers intent on exporting radio equipment to Saudi Arabia, the fact that the relevant legislation was adopted at the national level is significant. The article gives an overview of the Saudi legal framework, including obligations falling upon radio equipment manufacturers and importers.

The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation

This article discusses and contextualizes the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation for the electronics sector. While electrical equipment manufacturers that place products on the EU market are not specifically targeted under the Regulation, the law applies to them if their operations involve importing conflict-implicated metals and minerals into the EU (e.g., for use in manufacturing their products). Regardless, the Regulation raises implications for any electrical equipment manufacturer that distributes and sells products in the EU, specifically when it comes to publicly reporting on uses of conflict minerals. The EU’s proposed “transparency platform” is detailed in this regard.

Australian Radio Communications, EMC and EMF Regulatory Requirements: A Primer

Wireless devices are now in the legislative spotlight the world over. Safety, performance, spectrum usage and protection of personal data are all matters of regulation, although countries vary in how they regulate such concerns. This article looks at Australia as a case study, reviewing the overarching legal framework, the role of the national regulator, conformity assessment and the use of standards.
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The EU Radio Equipment Directive: What Are a Manufacturer’s Obligations?

The EU’s Radio Equipment Directive (RED) places various obligations upon manufacturers of in-scope equipment. Some of these obligations are the same as those found in the Low Voltage and EMC Directives, but others are unique to the RED and can be complex and relatively demanding to comply with. This article identifies and discusses those obligations while suggesting that manufacturers need to continually monitor developments in legislation and standardization.

A Look at the European Commission’s New Low Voltage Directive Guide

The European Commission's Low Voltage Directory (LVD) legal obligations vary for economic operators, with most falling upon manufacturers. The new LVD Guide offers interpretation and instruction on these obligations, clarifying when importers and distributors might take on manufacturer responsibilities among other issues.

The European Commission’s Latest EMC Directive Guidance

The European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, published its latest “Guide for the EMC Directive.”1 Updated to reflect the 2014 recast of the Directive, the Guide discusses various issues, not least what constitutes “inherently benign equipment” and “custom built evaluation kits.” This article reviews the content of the new Guide, highlighting key changes from the previous edition of the Guide published in 2010.

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