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Signal Transformer Announces the Completion of NY-Sun Solar Installation in Long Island

Under Governor Cuomo’s NY-Sun initiative, Signal Transformer, a division of Bel Fuse Inc. (BELFA) (BELFB), completed the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system at their Inwood, NY facility.    Signal Transformer is a premier manufacturer of high-efficiency transformers, chokes, and inductors, which are widely employed in an array of mission-critical power applications worldwide. 

Started in July 2013, the 129 kilowatt (kW) rooftop solar project was designed, engineered and installed by EnterSolar, a New York-based provider of commercial solar solutions.  Signal Transformer’s state-of-the-art system now provides much of the building’s electricity while notably producing enough renewable energy to make up for over 200,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.  It moreover features smart-grid technology and integrates an advanced supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) computer-controlled communications system that enables the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), managed by PSEG Long Island LLC, to remotely monitor its functions.

The PV deployment incentive program administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) is a key component of the NY-Sun initiative, a public-private partnership intended to expand the growth of the solar industry and reduce the cost of solar technology.   Expected to pay for itself in just a few years, the project’s cost was partially offset by a 30% federal tax credit and an accelerated depreciation incentive.  Moreover, LIPA provided a $172,000 rebate for the system. 

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Near and Far Field Measurements with a Vector Network Analyzer

For optimal performance in over-the-air RF systems, antennas must meet specific requirements. Performance parameters like size, wind-loading, environmental ruggedness, transmission pattern, bandwidth, and power handling capability should be considered. Methods of measuring the transmission (or reception) pattern that determines antenna gain with a VNA will be examined in this article.

The current details of Signal Transformer’s  solar photovoltaic (PV) system  may be viewed online at

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