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Retailer to Pay $34.9 Million Fine for Selling Jammers

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a $34.9 million fine against a Chinese company for marketing and selling illegal signal jamming devices to U.S. consumers. C.T.S. Technology, a Chinese electronics manufacturer and online retailer, is accused of selling jammers and misleading consumers. These radio frequency devices intentionally block, jam, or interfere with wireless communications such as cellphone calls, GPS systems, Wi-Fi networks, and first responder communications. The FCC has been clear that it is illegal to market, sell, import, or use jammers in the United States.

According to an FCC press release, in 2014 C.T.S. marketed 285 different jammer models through its own websites and third party platforms. These devices ranged from small, concealable jammers that block phone or GPS communications within a small radius to high-power devices that were advertised as being able to jam communications systems for a distance of over half a mile. The company’s website falsely claimed that some of the jammers had been approved by the FCC and could be shipped to the United States. During an investigation, C.T.S. Technology sold and shipped several jamming devices to undercover FCC personnel.

A forfeiture order that describes the details of an investigation by the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau that led to the $34,912,500 fine can be found online at

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A press release is also available at

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