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Recently Published Standard, IEC 62040-1:2017 EXV for Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)


The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has released IEC 62040-1:2017 EXV 
for “Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 1: Safety requirements,” and is now available on the IEC webstore.

Description: “IEC 62040-1:2017 applies to movable, stationary, fixed or built-in UPS for use in low-voltage distribution systems and that are intended to be installed in an area accessible by an ordinary person or in a restricted access area as applicable, that deliver fixed frequency AC output voltage with port voltages not exceeding 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC and that include an energy storage device. It applies to pluggable and to permanently connected UPS, whether consisting of a system of interconnected units or of independent units, subject to installing, operating and maintaining the UPS in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer.

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This document specifies requirements to ensure safety for the ordinary person who comes into contact with the UPS and, where specifically stated, for the skilled person. The objective is to reduce risks of fire, electric shock, thermal, energy and mechanical hazards during use and operation and, where specifically stated, during service and maintenance.

This product standard is harmonized with the applicable parts of group safety publication IEC 62477-1:2012 for power electronic converter systems and contains additional requirements relevant to UPS.

This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: the reference document has been changed from IEC 60950-1:2005 (safety for IT equipment) to IEC 62477-1 (group safety standard for power electronic converters).


*Description from the IEC Website

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