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Analysis of Transmission Lines in Sinusoidal Steady State: Part 3

This is the third and final article discussing four different circuit models of transmission lines in sinusoidal steady state. This article uses Model 4 to determine the locations of the minima and maxima of standing waves. This determination is first done analytically, followed by the graphical method using the Smith chart.

The Impact on ESD Risk of AI on Silicon Fabrication and the Implications of Increasing Memory Stacks

This column explores the significant impact of artificial intelligence on advancements in silicon fabrication, focusing on the development of high bandwidth memory (HBM) and associated die-to-die(D2D) electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection challenges.

FDA Issues Digital Health and AI Glossary

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a helpful glossary of commonly used terms in connection with digital health devices and medical devices that use artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning.

FCC Clarifies Satellite System Spectrum Sharing Rules

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently revised its spectrum-sharing rules to support the further deployment of advanced fixed-satellite services and applications.

Practical Engineering: Using Welch-Satterthwaite Formula in Uncertainty Analysis

This month's Practical Engineering explains how to use the Welch-Satterthwaite formula to calculate the effective degrees of freedom and expanded uncertainty in a measurement uncertainty analysis. It provides a practical example to demonstrate the application of this formula.
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New Würth Elektronik Reference Guide “ABC of Shielding”

In a recently released compendium, Würth Elektronik presents the basic principles and practice-oriented application examples for modern EMC shielding technologies: In “ABC of Shielding” five expert authors share their knowledge and experience in a concise and easy-to-understand format.

FCC Enforcement Bureau Convenes Regulators to Discuss Emerging Trends

Officials from the Enforcement Bureau of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently convened...

ARRL Releases Updated Amateur Radio Handbook

The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL) has announced the release of an updated version of its classic guide to amateur radio technology and practice.

EMC Bench Notes: Pre-Compliance Testing for Radiated Emissions, Part 4 – Measurement Software

This month's EMC Bench Notes reviews three affordable pre-compliance measurement software options that can simplify and automate the process of conducting in-house radiated emissions testing, saving time and costs compared to manual methods.

FDA Classifies Radiofrequency Toothbrush as Medical Device

The FDA has classified a radiofrequency-based electric toothbrush as a medical device, establishing regulations to ensure the safety and effectiveness of this emerging dental technology.
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