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A Milestone Reached… A Legacy Continues!

FerriShield recently celebrated its 25th year in business and its 2nd Anniversary as a...

IEEE EMC Symposium 2009

The IEEE 2009 Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held in Austin, TX from...

WEEE Regulations Ruled Lawful

UK High Court has ruled that the UK’s regulations which govern the collection, treatment...

Update on CISPR Standards: What’s New Above 9 kHz

This is a brief overview of the scope of CISPR’s current activities in 2009, close to 75 years after its founding in 1935.

US vs Recent Canadian Rules for Ultra-Wideband Radio Operations

Industry Canada limits for handheld and indoor communication devices are more stringent in part than the FCC’s. Test methods and equipment labeling also differ somewhat between the FCC and IC rules.
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Certification: A Panacea for a Paranoid Society?

The growth in the electronics sector over the last 30 years has been paralleled by the growth of Certification programs developed to verify conformance with requirements.

The Value of Certification

What does “certification” mean to you? What is the value of becoming “certified?” The answer to this question has to include an answer to another question, “What is being certified?”

The Lost (almost) Technology of the Edison Cell

With the wild fluctuations in fuel prices over the last few years, world concern over global warming, and the idea of creating new and more sustainable technologies, immense interest and progress have developed recently in the world of battery development.

The iNARTE Informer, August 2009

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25marAll DayEMV 2025(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

30marAll DayEuCAP 2025 – The 19th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

01aprAll DayTCB Council Spring Workshop(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Workshop/Forum

06aprAll DayEMCH2025 International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

06aprAll DayA2LA Annual Conference 2025AnnCon25(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

07aprAll DayThe Battery Show Middle East 2025(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

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