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New Document Releases from Telcordia

Telcordia has released three new generic requirement documents.

GR-3150, Issue 2: Generic Requirements for Secondary Non-Aqueous Lithium Batteries

GR-3150 presents the Telcordia and participating industry representative’s view of proposed generic criteria for large format non-aqueous rechargeable lithium batteries (batteries) intended to replace or interoperate with conventional batteries (i.e., lead-acid and nickel based), function seamlessly with DC power plants, and provide reliable backup power to load equipment located in a network environment of a typical telecommunications service provider.

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Pulse Amplifier Definitions and Terminology

This application note serves as a comprehensive resource, defining key terms like duty cycle, pulse rate, rise/fall time, and pulse width, as well as discussing pulse on/off ratio, RF delay, jitter, and stability.

GR-3169, Issue 1: Generic Requirements for Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery Ohmic Measurement Type Equipment (OMTE)

GR-3169 presents the Telcordia and participating industry representatives? view of proposed generic criteria and objectives for Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Ohmic Measurement Type Equipment (OMTE) and OMTE-like measurement equipment. The products covered in this document include full feature and portable hand-held OMTE for use in the Central Office (CO) and Outside Plant (OSP), and at locations such as Controlled Environmental Vaults (CEVs), Electronic Equipment Enclosures (EEEs), huts, and uncontrolled structures such as cabinets that house VRLA batteries.

GR-4228, Issue 2: Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery String Certification Levels Based on Requirements for Safety and Performance

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GR-4228 presents the Telcordia and participating industry representatives’ view of proposed generic criteria for Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries (VRLAs) that are intended to function seamlessly with DC power plants and provide reliable backup power to load equipment located in a network environment of a typical telecommunications service provider. VRLA batteries compliant with the criteria in this document are recommended for deployment in the Outside Plant (OSP) at locations such as Controlled Environmental Vaults (CEVs), Electronic Equipment Enclosures (EEEs), and huts, and in uncontrolled structures such as cabinets.

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