This article explores the evolving landscape in the medical industry, focusing on key standards such as IEC 60601-1 and new guidelines implemented to address the next generation of medical devices.
It is common for people doing simulations to make a measurement of a similar set up to validate the simulation. The real issue is whether the tool user understands the problem well enough to capture the important features, and whether the user understands the tool well enough to use it correctly.
Integrating a radio into a medical device can have many benefits but also introduces new challenges in compliance. Ensuring coexistence with other radios can be critical to the essential performance of medical equipment.
Many manufacturers believe that third-party testing is required to meet the requirements of the EU’s EMC Directive. But there are other, legally acceptable paths to demonstrate compliance with the EMC Directive that do not require the use of a third party.
The authors examine various hypotheses regarding avian magnetoreception and discuss experimental techniques to investigate potential sensory mechanisms for bird navigation.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electronic equipment to function properly without interference from noise sources and without causing disturbances to other electronic equipment. This article will help the reader understand the modes of electrical noise propagation, how fields interact, and the methods of testing for EMC, helping to provide the basis for designing low-emissions, low-susceptibility electronic equipment.