Reading EMI test results from a test lab is very much like a radiologist reading a CT scan or MRI results. To the novice, it may seem very hard to decipher what is what, but to the trained eye, the test results provide a road map to not only the frequencies of the outages, but also an indication of what or where the outages more than likely are emanating from.
Imagine for a moment that you are trying out a brand new car: you slide into one of the ergonomic seats, start the engine and, to make things perfect, would like to listen to some music. However when you switch this on, you suddenly notice interesting side effects. The light comes on in the passenger compartment, for example. Or the radio starts whistling and whimpering.
ESD control program plan requirements: training and compliance verification auditing. Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 and IEC 61340-5-1, the written ESD control plan is to include a training plan and a compliance verification plan.
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