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Interactive Music Video Challenges Engineering Stereotypes

Twins Miriam and Olivia Nervo make up the musical group behind the idea, Nervo. The singer-songwriters and sound engineers joined forces with a host of female engineers to create a video that would appeal to an often overlooked group of potential future scientists: young girls.

The video features the female engineers creating and designing android versions of the musical duo. As the androids go from conception to creation, the video shows students how engineering impacts every part of daily life — and will hopefully inspire young people to further explore this fascinating field.


Both the song and video itself are part of a collaboration between a host of Australian universities and engineers called ‘Made By Me.’ The end goal was to create a visual multimedia experience that would show the versatility and fun of engineering, and emphasize the growing involvement of women in this field.

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A Dash of Maxwell’s: A Maxwell’s Equations Primer – Part One

Solving Maxwell’s Equations for real-life situations, like predicting the RF emissions from a cell tower, requires more mathematical horsepower than any individual mind can muster. These equations don’t give the scientist or engineer just insight, they are literally the answer to everything RF.

“We loved the chance to show the world that there is engineering in every aspect of our lives. We’re sound engineers, but our whole show is only made possible through expert engineering. From the makeup we wear, to the lights and the stage we perform on. Engineering makes it all possible, including the music that we make,” Nervo told Gizmodo in an interview. 

The innovative video handily shows the numerous ways in which engineering effects our everyday life. Not only does it make it feel more accessible, it highlights just how diverse and innovative a field engineering really is. Hopefully seeing women engaging in such fun work will inspire a whole new generation of girls to study engineering, and bring about the next generation of inspired and passionate engineers.

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