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Informing Annual FCC Report, TIA Urges Focus on More than Broadband Speed & Technology-Neutral Approach


The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks,  filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to inform its tenth Congressionally-mandated annual report on whether advanced telecommunications capability is being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable and timely fashion.

The FCC sought comment on the benchmarks they should use to define “advanced telecommunications capability” and whether they should establish separate benchmarks for fixed and mobile services.

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“For the Tenth Report, the Commission should not continue to discount the role mobile wireless plays in making broadband services more accessible to many Americans,” TIA stated in its comments, adding, “The FCC should not continue to focus exclusively on speed characteristics in defining broadband services. This approach has provided a narrow and incomplete view of the landscape for broadband deployment. The Commission must change its approach to one that is technology-neutral and considers the nuances of the marketplace with respect to provision and adoption of services.”

To read TIA’s comments in their entirety, click here-

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