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IEEE Published IEEE 1872-2015 Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation

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The IEEE published a new standard for “Ontologies for Robotics and Automation.” IEEE 1872-2015 provides a methodology for knowledge representation and reasoning in robotics and automation (R&A) together with the core ontology for the R&A domain. The new standard is available for purchase on the IEEE’s website.


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“This standard defines a core ontology that allows for the representation of, reasoning about, and communication of knowledge in the robotics and automation (R&A) domain. This ontology includes generic concepts as well as their definitions, attributes, constraints, and relationships. These terms can be specialized to capture the detailed semantics for concepts in robotics sub-domains. This standard contains the Core Ontology for Robotics and Automation (CORA) with the representation of fundamental concepts from which the more detailed concepts belonging to other Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Working Group (ORA WG) ontologies are constructed. This standard also defines the ontology engineering methodology used to construct the ORA ontologies.”

*Description from the IEEE Techstreet website.

Photo by Dan Ruscoe

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